مدونة ثقافية تعنى بالإبداع والابتكار والتنمية البشرية

اخر الأخبار

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السبت، 17 نوفمبر 2007

علماء مناخ متخصصين يحذرون من مخاطر التغيرات المناخية

أعلن الفريق الاستشاري الخاص بالمناخ في الأمم المتحدة أن التغيرات المناخية التي تشهدها الكرة الأرضية الآن قد تكون تغيرات غير قابلة للإصلاح مستقبلا Irreversible .
هذا التقرير والذي من المتوقع أن يعلنه السيد بان كي مون يوم السبت القادم ، جاء معتمدا على أبحاث وتقارير لبعض أشهر المتخصصين في الشؤون البيئية.
التقرير يؤكد وبشكل قاطع أن البشر يتحملون الجانب الكبر من هذا التغير المناخي جراء غازات الدفيئة التي يطلقونها في الغلاف الجوي ، وانه يمكن الحد من آثارها المدمرة بتكاليف مادية معقولة.
تاليا عرض لأهم ما جاء في هذا التقرير يعرضه ريتشارد بلاك مراسل البي بي سي لشؤون البيئة والذي يحمل العنوان

IPCC to warn of 'abrupt' warming

By Richard Black 
Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Valencia
Climate change may bring "abrupt and irreversible" impacts, the UN's climate advisory panel is set to announce.
Delegates to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agreed a summary of its landmark report during overnight negotiations here.
Discussions were said to have been robust, with the US and other delegations keen to moderate language.
The summary will be officially launched by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon on Saturday.
It brings together elements of the three reports that the Nobel Prize-winning IPCC has already released this year, on the science of climate change, impacts and adaptation, and options for mitigating the problem.
Among its top-line conclusions are that climate change is "unequivocal", that humankind's emissions of greenhouse gases are more than 90% likely to be the main cause, and that impacts can be reduced at reasonable cost.
The synthesis summary being discussed here in Valencia strengthens the language of those earlier reports with a warning that climate change may bring "abrupt and irreversible" impacts.
Such impacts could include the fast melting of glaciers and species extinctions.
"Climate change is here, it's impacting our lives and our economies, and we need to do something about it," commented Hans Verolme, director of the climate change programme with the environmental group WWF.
"After this report, there are no politicians left who can argue they don't know what climate change is or they don't know what to do about it."
Drought-hit river bed (Getty Images)
The IPCC says more heatwaves are very likely in the future
Local witnesses
At a news conference, WWF presented testimonies from "climate change witnesses" in various parts of the world.
Speaking by video link, Australian scientists and fishermen spoke of the changes they were seeing on the Great Barrier Reef. And Olav Mathis Eira, a Sami reindeer herder from Norway, said that his communities are seeing weather patterns unprecedented in their oral history.
"Winter is one and a half months later than it used to be," he said. "We observed birds and insects that do not have a name in Sami."
The 20-page IPCC synthesis summary is due to be accompanied by a longer, more detailed document, and discussions on that are continuing here.
The findings will feed into the next round of negotiations on the UN climate convention and Kyoto Protocol, which open in Bali on 3 December.

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. هل تريد تحقيق دخل اضافي من الانتر نيت من غير اي رأس مال …

    الملايين يفعلون ذلك

    لمعرفة المزيد ..ادخل الرابط


  2. حملة انقاذ مصر من مخاطر التغيرات المناخية و تعريف كل المصرين بهذة المخاطر انضمو الى لكى نستعد من الان لهذة المخاطر المميتة



ادعم إضاءات بالتعليق على المواد المنشورة واعادة نشر موادها في شبكاتكم الاجتماعية
سيتم نشر التعليق بعد الاطلاع عليه

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