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الأربعاء، 8 أكتوبر 2014

شاهد إصدارات الويندوز من 1.0 إلى 8.0

شهدت مسيرة شركة ميكروسوفت سلسلة من النجاحات التي فاقت كل التوقعات، وبالرغم من اللحظات الحرجة التي مرت بها هذه الشركة العملاقة، إلا أن قناعة القائمين على هذه الشركة بحتمية النجاح كان المحرك الفاعل في تغيير كثير من مناحي حياة الإنسان في الوقت الراهن، إذ أن برمجيات الويندوز Windows كان لها اكبر الأثر في نجاح العالم الرقمي وسهولة نقل وتبادل البيانات والمعلومات.

تاليا استعراض مبسط بالصور لإصدار الويندوز من 1.0 الى 8.0 وقد حققت بعض تلك الإصدارات نجاح هائل كإصدار  Windows 98  الذي ما زالت لغاية الآن كثير من أنظمة الكمبيوتر في العالم تستخدمه وكذلك إصدار  Windows XP  الذي صدر في عام 2001

1985  Windows 1.0

The First Version of Microsoft Windows, Windows 1.0, with simple applications and the concept of multitasking on PC 

1987  Windows 2.0 

The Second Version of Windows, Windows 2.0 with some fixes and the Control Panel. 

1988  Windows 2.1

The Second Version of Windows with some additions, and some fixes, Windows 2.1, the Paint software is seen in this one! 

1990  Windows 3.0 

The Third Version of Windows, Windows 3.0, featuring the File Manager and Program Manager, replacing the old MS DOS based File and Program Managers. 

1992  Windows 3.1 

The later released upgraded version of Windows 3.0, which had support for 32-bit Disk Access, Personalization options and had the Minesweeper game for the first time. 

1995  Windows 95 

Windows 95, the changed look, the new interface and the beginning of the form of Windows which we see now. Enhanced Graphics and better Communication Programs. 

1998  Windows 98 

Windows 98, one of the most successful versions of Windows till now, this version of Windows can still be seen in some PCs even today. With Extended Softwares, better Performance, this Version was the first milestone in the path of the development of Windows

2000  Windows ME 

Windows ME or Windows Millenium Edition, though not a very popular version of Windows, but still it had some better tools and performance than the previous ones in some cases. 

2001  Windows XP 

Windows XP, the Daddy of all versions of Windows, the most popular version of windows even today. Windows XP is still used today because of its unmatched performance, tools and interface. This has been the best version of Windows till the arrival of Windows 7. 

2006  Windows Vista 

Windows Vista, though it did not go so well in the public, but still its a good version of Window s specially for the interface the Windows Area Effect, making the Window Transparency work like magic. 

2009  Windows 7 

Windows 7, the best version of Windows till date. With the new and advanced features such as the Superbar, this version of Windows created another milestone for Microsoft after Windows 98 and Windows XP. Windows 7 features an unbeatable user interface, and powerful tools that makes it the best among the rest. 

2012  Windows 8 

Windows 8, to be released in the late 2012. The interface of Windows 8 as seen at the D9 Conference. A better version of Windows as proposed by Microsoft, with the changed User Interface.

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